Ealier this year, I animated and released Rebuilt To Scale on Vimeo & Youtube as a loving tribute to the first minigame in Rhythm Heaven for the Nintendo DS which got me hooked on the franchise. Today, I released it on Newgrounds as I had been meaning to for much of this year and it slipped my mind.
Now imagine my surprise when I check on Newgrounds today and... It's on the front page... What?

Holy geez! Thanks Tom Fulp and the Mods who thought it was worthy enough for the front page!
Newgrounds creators inspired me to get into animation as a kid and I used to post on Newgrounds a decent bit when I first started getting into animation. That has admitedly changed as I've grown up as a full-fledged Multimedia Artist and began posting my stuff elsewhere... But I've kept uploading my occasional animations here and I've always lurked around this site to watch other people's work. My old animations racked up quite a good response in the past. I'm both surprised and thrilled to see such a still see such a great reaction to my work on NG and I wish I did this sooner. I've always loved Newgrounds and I'll definitely be making NG a priority again when I make new animations... One of which is already planned to be Rebuilt To Scale 2 in 2020.
Thanks to Rebuilt to Scale, I was also invited by the Rhythm Heaven Reanimated Crew to do a similar animation as part of their collab, so watch out for that next year too.
If you're new to my work, welcome! I'm Jordan Sparks. I'm a Multimedia Artist, Designer, and Educator in Canada, but you can also call me your friendly neighbourhood Sparky-Man. I make art, comics, videos, animations, video games, and more. Follow me on Newgrounds to get updated on my animations. However, to be updated on my work in general, I'd definitely recommend checking out my portfolio site and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Patreon, where I update more often. More of my work can also be found on Deviant Art. You can find all the links below!
Portfolio: http://GrindSpark.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SuperSparkplugs
Facebook: http://facebook.com/SparkComics/
Patreon: http://patreon.com/JSparks
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/supersparkplug
Itch.io: https://grindspark.itch.io/
2019 was a good year to me and the 2010s was easily the best decade of my entire short life. I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday Season and has a Happy New Year. Wishing you all the best in 2020.
Update: It got Daily 9th too! Woooo!