Well, my first two weeks of University are over. Ryerson seems like a pretty awesome place. I'm having alot of fun, I met alot of great people and made some friends and my classes are awesome. People say University is scary and alot of hard work and while the latter is true, I don't find it scary at all.
My lectures are pretty awesome all around. The Profs are all nice and their classes are unique and interesting. My Art History and Concepts and Theories classes are fun because the topics are intellectually stimulating and we end up watching videos half the time. My first Art History class was last Monday (We didn't have it the first week because Monday was labour day) and we talked about Plato's Allegory of the Cave and then we ended up watching The Matrix for half an hour to compare that concept. It's really never a dull moment. My Concept and Theories classes are fun too. We end up watching a bunch of movie clips. Last week we ended up watching an old movie, La Jetee, and part of Man with the Movie Camera, among other movie clips.
My other classes are Intro to Media and Research for Experiential Media. Both classes are interesting and look promising. Intro to Media is pretty much a production class. Our first class explained our outline while the 2nd class explained safety. I had to do a WHMIS safety test (Which seems kinda stupid since we know not to blow s*** up) which was really annoying but we ended up getting a lecture on that on Wednesday's class which had to be the longest, funniest safety lecture EVER. We learned about the type of equipment we were going to be using which was cool and gave me some ideas. My Research for Experiential Media class was interesting. We have to make a blog and post about things such as our Digital Footprint and Digital Identity, which involves searching ourselves on Google. Finding myself on Google was a NIGHTMARE. Despite the fact that my name is JORDAN Sparks, people write Jordin Sparks' name the same way even though it's clearly not spelled that way. I had to search 19 Google Search Pages while using Advanced Settings just to find ONE thing about myself and that was a blog post I made on my Newgrounds account reviewing Scott Pilgrim Vs The World because my name was in the title of the post. Finding SuperSpark and SuperSparkplug haven't been that much of a problem but the former still doesn't show up on the first page because it turns out there's a minor food critic with the same username. I have to find someway to get my usernames to the top of the list.
My last class is Pop Literature, which is my Liberal Study for the Semester. It's very interesting and I love to read, but I hate being forced to read everything by a certain time. I have to read half of Dracula by Monday and while it's a good book, it drags alot. I have no classes on Friday, Saturday or Sunday so I have a long weekend every week. Plus, I have almost no morning classes (I have one class that starts at 11AM) and all my classes are finished by 6PM. Life is good.
I should probably be reading Dracula right now instead of procrastinating by writing this post. Bye for now!
P.S. This is too awesome for words!
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