Today, they released my SparkComic #2 - Flatlined comic in the school newspaper. Everyone loved it. The entire school seems to agree with my comic that asks the question, "Why the f*** do we have a new TV for the foyer?"
After school, the school principal caught me in the hallway while I was getting ready to film a school project. She started talking about she was so offended by the comic and that the TV wasn't bought with school money (As if that really justifies the TV or solves the issue I'm pointing out), all while talking to me like I'm 5-years old. Really, the way she explained it was obviously bogus and contradicted the statement she made on my comic in the newspaper that the TV was a gift. Honestly, I didn't believe a word that came out of her mouth. Plus, in the newspaper, that note I was talking about where she "claimed" the TV was a gift covered my websites at the bottom so I was a bit sour about that. Still, I managed to make a comic that royally pissed off my principal... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!
It's been 6 months dude. Where is Shad 2?
When your mother makes it.
I have a life y'know.