Finished that new flash I was talking about; the short one. My Second Animation, Halo's Halo, is just a random idea I had after hearing Halo by Beyonce. I was surprised I hadn't seen any Halo (game) videos with the song so I said, "Oh, what the heck." Plus it gave me an excuse to dive in and test out the features of Flash CS4 during my ever busy schedule. So far it's not being that well received, but I'm not really bothered by it. I wasn't really trying hard to make this. It's just a test.
Speaking of, the Halo Reach Beta is actually pretty fun. It has its issues, but it's a Beta so I'm not too hard on it. My favorite new ability is the Guard Lock. I love it! It's so awesome being shot/grenaded/about to be run over and then you just punch the ground and save yourself. When I do that, I like saying, "I AM IRON MAN!"... Don't ask. Elites are kinda cheap with their constant Barrel Rolls though.
Let's go HALOING!!!