Today, I released my first flash cartoon ever. For years I have watched as people on Flashplayer, Newgrounds and Youtube created their own animations. I've always wanted to do it, but not the time or know how.
I've had Flash MX 2004 for years and just got a tablet for Christmas at the time so in March Break 2009, I decided to do something with it and find out how to make animations work. The result was The Legend Of Shad.
I'm doing Co-Op this year at school at an animation studio called Spin Productions so I asked for this to be my final project. It was halfway done at the time so with this now being my homework I had much more time to do this in. As soon as I made my final tweaks and checked everything over today, I immediately uploaded it here on Newgrounds. Thanks so much to Mrs. McCullough, my Co-Op teacher, for allowing me to use this for my final project. Also, thanks alot to Tie Gambacurta at Spin for giving me a critique. I may not have been able to follow every single one of your recommendations due to technical problems (my tablet pen broke and the program gave me problems for changing a few things so I had to leave it) but your critique really meant a lot to me and helped me so much!
I'm looking at the ratings and reviews so far and HOLY CRAPSICLES! People actually seem to like it! I didn't expect such high reviews, especially since I just posted the thing a few hours ago. Thanks everyone. ^_^
Wow for a first flash sub thats better than average i think your worthy of metin tom fulp in person